Thomas thank you for your answer,

I was thinking more of how to modify babel so that it would generate the results block with the relevant exporter attribute parameters so that it play nicely.
That is, the results block contains the directive it needs at the moment the #+results block is bare and has no extra information for latex to pick up and format correctly.

Kind regards.

Juan Amiguet Vercher
Practising theorist
All-round geek
Polyglot polymath


On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Thomas S. Dye <> wrote:
Aloha Juan Amiguet,

Juan Amiguet writes:

> Dear all,
> I have been having this issue for quite a while perhaps I am using the
> feature wrong and someone can enlighten me or perhaps someone can point me
> at the bit of code I can patch it myself.
> Here is the issue:
> I have a babel block such as
> #+begin_src dot :file test.png
> digraph test {
> A -> B
> }
> #+end_src
> This will create after execution a
> [[file:./test.png]]
> Now if I would like have something like :width .5/.linewith as a attribute
> to the image the only I have found is to do the following
> #+begin_src dot :file test.png :exports none
> digraph test {
> A -> B
> }
> #+end_src
> #+attr_latex: width=.5/linewidth
> [[file:./test.png]]
> Is there a way of passing the export attributes to babel blocks in a way in
> which from direct rendering of the document things work and I can adjust?
> If now which part of the org mode codebase controls all of this?
> Thanking you all in advance.

Dot doesn't know anything about the linewidth you might be using in
LaTeX.  LaTeX will take any image and reproduce it at .5/linewidth,
regardless of dot settings.

The :cmdline header argument for dot is documented here:

You can find links to the dot command line arguments.  Babel gives you
full access to the dot command line.


Thomas S. Dye