There is not tab in this snipper (I never use tabs in code, only spaces).
Unfortunately, when opening the tex file, I see that a tab has been introduced whenever 8 consecutive spaces are found, in particular at line 4.
Here is the produced code:
\begin{frame}[fragile,label=sec-3-2]{Thread implementation through sub-classing}
class PrimeThread extends Thread {
long minPrime;
PrimeThread(long minPrime) {
this.minPrime = minPrime;
public void run() {
// compute primes larger than minPrime
PrimeThread p = new PrimeThread(143);
As you can maybe see (it depends on how your email client shows tabs), there is a tab character in front of the fourth line.
Where this tab comes from? Is there any org-mode variable I can configure to prevent this behaviour? I did a quick search on google, but could find nothing
Thanks in advance
Giuseppe Lipari