Tables with multibyte characters and ASCII are not aligned properly after org-table-align in GUI mode. In -nw mode table is properly aligned, but its incorrect in GUI mode. Steps to reproduce: Start emacs in GUI mode. Copy and paste table below to org-mode buffer. Put emacs cursor inside the table, run org-table-align, all columns should be aligned properly, but they don't. Save buffer in file. Open the same file in no-GUI mode, the table will be properly aligned. | | RI | MI | PI | BI | HI | NI | ZI | KI | GI | | ゃ | りゃ | みゃ | ぴゃ | びゃ | ひゃ | にゃ | じゃ | きゃ | ぎゃ | | ゅ | りゅ | みゅ | ぴゅ | びゅ | ひゅ | にゅ | じゅ | きゅ | ぎゅ | | ょ | りょ | みょ | ぴょ | びょ | ひょ | にょ | じょ | きょ | ぎょ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OS: OSX Yosemite 10.10.4 Emacs : GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0, NS appkit-1348.17 Version 10.10.5 (Build 14F2511)) of 2018-05-31 Package: Org mode version 9.2.1 (9.2.1-2-gc6d37c-elpaplus @ ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20190204/)