David Conner <aionfork@gmail.com> writes:
> Subject: [BUG] (Doom) Consistently seeing "org-element--cache" problems [9.6
> (9.6-??-0c9b30e @
Thanks for the report!
> I was shuffling around the headlines in a newly created org file. The
> error message showed up when I demoted the last headlines under the
> "Notes" headline.
> Here is the org content:
> ...
I am unable to reproduce any kind of cache problem using your file on
latest main.
Note that you are running 2 month old Org mode. Could you try to update
to latest main and check again? If you keep seeing "org-element--cache"
warning messages, please also report the warning text.
> I have also had issues with detangling recently, where it reports that
> it is "not in a babel block", but is searching between completely
> arbitrary characters for the current block. In my literate .doom.d
> config.el & config.org, this always occurs at the same block. I'm unsure
> whether this is related.
I might be related to corrupted cache. If you keep seeing this after the
update, please also try to run M-x org-element-cache-reset and let us
know if it fixes the detangle problem.