I am confused why no matter how I try to run shell commands they seem to be missing variables exported in profiles.
I have added 3 variables to various startup scripts
- ~./bash-profile~ :: ~export GIM_BASH_PROFILE="yes"~
- ~./bashrc~ :: ~export GIM_BASHRC="yes"~
- ~./zshrc~ :: ~export GIM_ZSHRC="yes"~
I am running emacs in GUI mode so I get why none of these are available *directly* in emacs, so then I try
#+begin_src shell :results list
env | grep GIM
Ok that's kinda surprising, but I suppose it could be running ~/bin/zsh~ (that's my ~shell-file-name~) directly
what about
#+begin_src shell :results list
bash -c env | grep GIM
That's pretty surprising. I would have expected running it directly to actually run my profile.
#+begin_src shell :results list
bash --rcfile ~/.bashrc -c env | grep GIM
That is *still* nothing!
Sanity is restored slightly when I run
#+begin_src shell :results list
bash --login -c env | grep GIM
which *does* indeed visit ~.bash_profile~ but only slightly.
What is going on, and is there a straightforward way in which I can get shell block to read from a profile?