Hi João:
Oantolin no doubt can speak to Embark much better but my present
understanding is that it is a toolkit package for generating contextual
popup or completion menus with a few standard context menus included.
Hyperbole is a much broader personal information management
environment, one part of which is to turn every common type of
cross-reference found in buffers from programming identifiers to
page links into immediately useable hyperlinks with no effort
or markup on your part (implicit buttons).
Hyperbole includes a large array of implicit buttons and context
awareness, rather than expecting you to write your own solutions
to all of your needs. It is more turn-key. One appendix in the
Hyperbole manual is filled with all the contexts and associated
actions that Hyperbole supports out of the box:
Other features include: named hyperbuttons accessed from any
buffer, advanced contact management or hierarchical record
searching (point HyRolo at Org files and you can find single
entries within hierarchies), automatable frame and window
management, action triggers from mouse drags, Org hyperbutton
activation outside of Org mode, easy menu-based exposure of
Emacs filtering and searching capabilities, quick grid-based
display of desired buffers or files. Hyperbole puts your textual
information at your fingertips in a myriad of ways, just as Emacs
makes text editing convenient and flexible in a myriad of ways.
Like Emacs, you are expected to grow into a broad away of uses across time,
not to digest all at once or in your first month of use. But by learning and combining
capabilities, you can become masterful at managing your information and Org can
be a big part of this journey as well.
-- rsw