Thanks for the suggestion! I was creating the output in a rather similar way, using the pandas to_markdown() function, which calls tabulate to do the work. Using the orgtbl output option, it only prints one horizontal line under the header, so I created a simple wrapper function to add additional horizontal lines at top and bottom (and optionally between the last and penultimate lines, for when there’s a “Total” row):
def add_hlines(table, total_row=False):
"""Add horizontal lines to markdown table."""
table_markdown = table.to_markdown(index=False, tablefmt="orgtbl", floatfmt=",.2f")
table_lines = table_markdown.split("\n")
hline = table_lines[1]
table_lines.insert(0, hline)
if total_row:
table_lines.insert(-1, hline)
return "\n".join(table_lines)