I plan to document some parts of Perl source code (more specifically, description in subroutine Sub::Spec specification, http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sub-Spec) using Org format instead of the canonical POD, hoping to have better table support, more customizable links, and overall markups that are nicer to look at (IMO).

However, one of the nice things of POD (and Wiki, Markdown, etc) for documenting source code is the relative simplicity of writing literal examples: an indented paragraph. In Org we either have to use the colon+space prefix syntax:

 : this is an example
 : another line
 : another line

or the example block:

 this is an example
 another line
 another line

Is there an alternative syntax? If there isn't, would people consider an alternative syntax (e.g. say a setting which toggles parsing an indented paragraph as a literal example)?
