Hi Bastien,
I see no way to reproduce this error without (installing and) activating ECB. Actually, as soon as I desactivate ECB, org-capture works seamlessly with my configuration.
Thanks for helping and best regards,
- Alain 

2011/2/16 Bastien <bastien.guerry@wikimedia.fr>
Hi Alain,

Alain Clément <alain.clement@unil.ch> writes:

> Have you ever encountered an issue related to "tree-node->parent
> accessing a non-tree-node" with org-capture in conjunction with ECB?

I don't use ECB.  But can you provide a step-by-step way of reproducing
this error?



Alain Clément
Dr ès sc. mathématiques

Université de Lausanne
Quartier UNIL-Centre
Bâtiment Unicentre
Bureau 339
CH-1015 Lausanne

T. +41 21 692 20 36 (direct)
T. +41 21 692 20 60 (secrétariat)
