
I opened up ob-sql.el and read the code to see if I can figure it out.

I think I have answered my first question.  I wrote the following and hit C-c C-c and I got the result set back.

#+srcname: sampsql
#+begin_src sql :engine mysql :cmdline -h hostname -u username -pmypass -D dbname
select * from tablename;

regarding my 2nd question (reading orgtables), I am thinking that one can't read orgtables in the same way as you read a db table.  But you can use an org table to extract data snippets to pass as variables to a sql or build a dynamic sql. Is my understanding correct?

I was also experimenting on passing variables.  I modified the above example as shown below but I did not get any results

#+srcname: sampsql
#+begin_src sql :engine mysql :cmdline -h hostname -u username -pmypass -D dbname :var table="tablename"
select * from $table;

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Bastien <> wrote:
Hi Yesare,

I'm not familiar enough with Babel to give you useful guidance,
but others on the list may help you.

yesare <> writes:

> I am trying to do two things.
>  1. Query a mysql or oracle table and post results in orgtable format
>  2. Select data from an existing orgtable in current buffer and do
>     further processing with them (example: insert them into Oracle).
> I am sorry if this is vague but I am just looking for some initial
> guidance on how to get around.

Can you post the code your tried?  What you expected?  What happened
instead?   This will help people to know where and why you're stuck.

