Scott Randby <> writes:
> I don't understand why C-M-a should be bound to take one back to the
> beginning of a heading when C-a already does this. With the proposed
> changes, one might press C-M-a and then C-M-p which is a total of 4
> keys, when the current set-up is to press C-c C-p which is only 3
> keys. I'm not in favor of increasing the number of keys one needs to
> press to perform a basic motion.
I haven't been following this thread so take this with a grain of salt, but I count key-chords as single keys – since they can all be pressed in a single motion,
I'm not in favor of increasing the number of keys one needs to press to perform a basic motion.
which would mean
C-M-a 1 key press C-c C-a 2 key presses but maybe my hands are just too accustomed to typing in Emacs and it's skewing my perception.
Best – Eric
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