Hi, My apologies if this has been discussed. I couldn't find it. I write everything from work in org-mode for several reasons. Primarily, it's my documentation system for research in order to properly document Intellectual Property (IP) information. It's also for todos and contacts. When it comes to exporting my notes into PDF for use in an IP notebook... I dont' want my todos in there. Is there a way to automatically tag TODOs with :noexport:? Or simply add the TODO category to the noexport category altogether? I haven't turned up anything quite along these lines. One post suggested using "TODO keyword COMMENT" [1], but that just seems to perhaps exclude from export (didn't try) but I know for sure it removes it from agenda view. I want TODOs in agenda but don't want them showing up with my LaTeX export. I typically print out my work to-date each month or so and have to comb through my org file for that month, manually adding :noexport: to my TODOs. Even if I still do this for a few things here and there... it will save me a lot of time. I suppose I could keep a separate "TODO.org" file, but I really like the process of being able to add them anywhere -- it seems more natural to do that in the flow, particularly in meetings, than to constantly switch buffers or even use remember to keep sending things related to the current topic away to their own island. I'm 80% confident that the answer is ridiculously simply and I just haven't searched the right thing. Thanks for enlightening me! Thanks, John