On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Jambunathan K <kjambunathan@gmail.com> wrote:


> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Jambunathan K <kjambunathan@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Matt
I am *pretty confident* that the OpenOffice exporter can handle simple
text - headlines, paragraphs, lists - very reliably.

How I tried reproducing the problem and failed:

1. I freshly cloned the repository.
2. Started emacs without any customization.
  "C:\Program Files\emacs-23.1.91\bin\runemacs.exe" --debug-init -Q
3. M-: (setq org-odt-base-dir "~/src/oo/") RET
4. M-x (load-file (expand-file-name "./contrib/odt/setup.el" org-odt-base-dir))
5. C-x C-f desc_test_short_2.org
6. I did a C-c C-e O.
7. I am seeing that OpenOffice launches and opens the file
  desc_test_short_2.odt without any complaints.

OK, I'm possibly seeing some improvement here.  I logged into my server, which has no other org or emacs-related software installed.  I followed your procedure precisely, with a fresh emacs23 install.  Trying to export gives me the following errors:

Loading /home/matt/src/oo/lisp/org-vm.el (source)...done
Loading /home/matt/src/oo/lisp/org-w3m.el (source)...done
Loading /home/matt/src/oo/lisp/org-wl.el (source)...done
Loading /home/matt/src/oo/lisp/org.el (source)...done
fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
Org-mode version 7.3
Select command:
(New file) [3 times]
interblock-initiate-R-buffer: Symbol's function definition is void: R
Select command:
(New file) [3 times]
interblock-initiate-R-buffer: Symbol's function definition is void: R
Select command:
(New file) [3 times]
interblock-initiate-R-buffer: Symbol's function definition is void: R

the odt file doesn't end up being produced at all, presumably something about the R buffer (don't know why that would be).

interestingly, on my laptop I simply cannot get the O and o menu items to show up in the export menu buffer.  On this new machine, they only appear after I reload org-mode.  Not sure why this is the cae, I suppose it could somehow be related.  Like most people I have a fair number of emacs-relatedpackages installed on my laptop....

thanks again, best,