I aggree with Eric.
A collaborative point of view is needed to spread the word of org-mode among a greater set of users.
org-secretary.el from Juan os great but is the start of something more general
I am leading a group of engineers and it is quite difficult (even among Fress Software people) to convince the use of org-mode despite its several advantages.
PS I think the subject of this topic shoud be changed
Org-mode collaborative
is an option
Hi Sébastien,
>I haven't used any of the clocking features, so I won't speak to that
> I don't ask for multiple clocks running simultaneously, but (as I currently
> envision it -- reason for collecting *your* ideas) for an identifier
> [something like `org-user-identifier'] to be added to the clock lines, so that
> we can filter based on the user, when multiple people have clocked in the same
> documents.
side of this issue, however, I have been using org-mode files as a point
of collaboration on a couple of projects (including org-babel [1]) and I
think a generalization of something like your proposed
`org-user-identifier' variable could be very useful for many of the org
meta-data items associated with headlines.
For example, it would be great to record the user responsible for every
TODO state change, so that something like
** DONE Org-babel should work well when indented
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-06-10 Thu 15:48]
would instead be
** DONE Org-babel should work well when indented
- State "DONE" from "TODO" by eschulte [2010-06-10 Thu 15:48]
I think this would be very helpful, and anything that encourages the
spread of Org-mode usage through co-workers is a big win.
Best -- Eric
[1] http://github.com/eschulte/babel-dev/blob/master/development.org
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