
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Florian Blank <blank@informatik.uni-muenchen.de> wrote:

I'm quite new in org-mode. So I'm sorry to ask maybe an easy question, i absolutly do not find the solution for my problem. Even if I'm thinking, that org-mode ist the most sympatic and efficent way to work for me. But to the problem.

I want to use org-mode to organize excerpts. So my biggest Problem at the moment si,

a) how to sum up multiple files und subfolders in an (root-)folder for a search on the tags, (and produce an file with an output)

While it might not be the best looking output, you can use agenda for something like this. I don't know if you have familiarity with agenda or not, so assuming you don't, the process would be like so:
- add your various files to your agenda list (visit the file and do C-c [) covered here: http://orgmode.org/manual/Agenda-files.html#Agenda-files

- run agenda with M-x org-agenda or add this to .emacs
| global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
and then use C-c a.

- choose the "m" option for 'Match a tags/prop/todo query'

- type in your tag and observe the output. When I do this and insert a tag I know exists all over, the resulting agenda view produces a list like so:
| Filename:  Headline-where-tag-occurs   :tag-I-searched:
| Filename:  Headline-where-tag-occurs2   :tag-I-searched:
| ...

- you can then write this list using C-x C-w to a file. Others may be able to comment on more advanced exporting; I haven't used this feature yet (other than knowing it exists) -- there may be a way to export to another org file. Otherwise, you could run some sed commands and insert stars at the beginning of each list or change ":" into ": |" to make an org table from the output. I think once you have your exported list, you should be able to do something with it to make it usable, hopefully.
b) how to extract the used tags of an given root-folder to a list
(buffer, file)

I'll let someone else handle this... I was thinking 'grep ':.*:' files' but that isn't working so hot...
By the way: Not realy a big question to me at the moment, but I was wondering if der is any possibillity to handle bibtex files (*.bib)

 title = {Aristoteles Metaphysik, Die Substanzbücher {(Z,} Ē, {TH)}},
 publisher = {Akademie Verl.},
 year = {1996},
 author = {Christof Rapp},
 address = {Berlin},
 isbn = {9783050028651},
 keywords = {Metaphysik, Aristoteles, Substanz, ousia},
 lccn = {0000},
 owner = {schlaubi},

For example, that it ist possible to include in an tag-search the values of
 "keywords = {xxx}" of an given bibtex-file (database-file).

Thank you for your time,

Florian Blank.

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