Does anyone by chance use orgmode to create files for a Kindle?

If you do I would appreciate some helpful hints or ideas on how you approach it.

The Kindle file format is apparently modified HTML, but the guidance I have found seems to revolve around creating files in MSWord and then converting to Kindle by uploading to Amazon OR using Calibre to convert PDFs to Kindle. There is also a Mobi publisher that will convert files to Kindle, but its Windows only.

The problem I have had, is that PDFs converted to Kindle lose a lot of formatting, including tables.

The Kindle is a great bit of kit for reading documents (far better than a computer screen) and the free mobile phone connection makes it easy to check email etc, as well as browse the web at no cost. I'm much more impressed than I expected to be.

I am slowly transferring a pile of paper documents/reference material onto it, but I am having problems producing documents that take full advantage of the Kindle features.  You can upload PDFs directly  but as native PDFs they aren't as user friendly as proper Kindle formatted flles.

My guess is that orgmode files exported as HTML and then converted to Kindle may be the way to go, but, as I said, I  would be interested if anyone has already established a work flow for this.

Many thanks,
