
I find I am running org mode from a Dropbox folder (and my org files) from several machines - a couple of windows computers at home and one at work, and several Macs. I have modified my .emacs file(s) ala Bernt Hansen's and others modifications. However, all of the computers (of course) have different paths to the latest version of the orgmode files in Dropbox folder, and to my personal orgmode files, for example:

link to org-mode6.35i ->
"C:/Users/clsnyder/My Documents/My Dropbox/emacs_org/org-mode6.35i/lisp"    ;;Windows machine 1
"C:/Users/cls/My Documents/My Dropbox/emacs_org/org-mode6.35i/lisp"     ;;Windows machine 2
"/Users/clsnyder/Dropbox/emacs_org/org-mode6.35i/lisp"    ;;Mac machine 1

link to my todo file (for example) ->
"C:/Users/clsnyder/My Documents/My Dropbox/emacs_org/personal.org"
"C:/Users/cls/My Documents/My Dropbox/emacs_org/personal.org"

Can I just do something like:

(defvar cls-org-file "C:/Users/clsnyder/My Documents/My Dropbox/emacs_org/") ;; WINDOWS VERSION
(defvar cls-org-file "/Users/clsnyder/Dropbox/emacs_org/") ;; IMAC VERSION

and then in each of the various .emacs files on each of the machines, just do something like this throughout the file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "cls-org-file" + org-mode6.35i/lisp" )
(add-to-list 'load-path "cls-org-file" + personal.org" )

I don't know the correct syntax, but I would like to simply define the path variable in each .emacs file, and then I could basically have use the same .emacs file everywhere, with just a few different lines at the start to differentiate the individual machine's path.

Thanks in advance.

Charles Snyder
