| (setq org-capture-templates
| '(("t" "todo" entry (file+headline "~/org/2011-02Feb.org" "Tracking")
| "* TODO %?\n")))
I experimented with two stars on the TODO and it worked. Sorry, I probably should have posted back that it was solved, but after no replies I kind of thought this email was dead so I let it die :)
2) The manual says this as to one of the options for the capture target:
| (function function-finding-location)
| Most general way, write your own function to find both file and location
Since my files always use the format YYYY-##MMM.org (2011-03Mar.org), I thought I could sure find a function that finds the current file rather than changing my capture target manually once a month.
3) I think this one was pretty clear... the manual says that if I do this:
| (define-key global-map "\C-c c"
| (lambda () (interactive) (org-capture "t")))
I won't have to manually select "t" (TODO) for my capture template via the interactive window. Since I only use one capture template, it would be fantastic to have it automatically use it instead of asking me what I want to use and then I press another keystroke to select one template out of one available template.