I also use git at work -- I have a central 'repo' on my work network share and when using my laptop or desktop, I simply pull and push from/to the central repo to keep everything in sync.

My structure is something like this:

Then on each of my computers I do 'ln -s ~/org/aux/emacs-config ~/.emacs'

When I make a change on either computer for some new option I want to use, it's updated with the next pull from the other computer. I also used to keep a ~/org/aux/elisp folder as well so that I could even sync my various additional elisp files. I discontinued this only because my org.git repo wasn't pulling/pushing since git doesn't like nested git repos. There is a way to do this, but since I hardly change my elisp folder, I decided it wasn't worth it.


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 10:32 AM, charles snyder <clsnyder@gmail.com> wrote:

- perfect

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Jan Böcker <jan.boecker@jboecker.de> wrote:
On 05/13/2010 03:48 AM, charles snyder wrote:

> Can I just do something like:
> (defvar cls-org-file "C:/Users/clsnyder/My Documents/My
> Dropbox/emacs_org/") ;; WINDOWS VERSION
> (defvar cls-org-file "/Users/clsnyder/Dropbox/emacs_org/") ;; IMAC VERSION
> and then in each of the various .emacs files on each of the machines,
> just do something like this throughout the file:
> (add-to-list 'load-path "cls-org-file" + org-mode6.35i/lisp" )
> (add-to-list 'load-path "cls-org-file" + personal.org
> <http://personal.org>" )

Yes, that approach works.

Create a directory for your org-mode configuration in your dropbox
directory, say /path/to/dropbox/emacs-config/.

Put the contents of your .emacs in, say, emacs-config/init.el.

In the .emacs file on each machine, put:

(setq cls/config-dir "/absolute/path/to/dropbox/emacs-config/")
; note the trailing slash!
(load (concat cls/config-dir "init.el"))

In init.el, set the `custom-file' variable to make the emacs customize
interface store its data under the dropbox directory:

(setq custom-file (concat cls/config-dir "customize.el"))

Assuming your org-mode checkout is at emacs-config/org-mode6.35i, use
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat cls/config-dir "org-mode6.35i/lisp"))
(require 'org)
; other org-mode setup stuff

If you want to have some machine-specific configuration, there is no
need to use different files for different machines -- just check for the

For example, I use org-mode on my laptop and my n900 smartphone, so my
startup files include:

 (setq jb/system
       (cond ((string-match "N900" system-name) 'n900)
             ((string-match "pythagoras" system-name) 'laptop)
             (t 'unknown)))

and later I can do:

(when (eq jb/system 'n900)
 (blink-cursor-mode 0))

to disable blink-cursor-mode on the n900 to save battery power.
(Emacs idle CPU usage with blink-cursor-mode: 1.5%. Without: 0% :) )

Because the path to your org files is rather long, you also might be
interested in this post, where Nathan Neff describes a way to easily
define shortcuts to jump to frequently used files/headings:

HTH, Jan

Charles L. Snyder, MD
Professor of Surgery
Children's Mercy Hospital
Kansas City, MO

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