I think this key reminder table should be somehow displayed or offered under a C-c C-v prefix, in the same way as C-c a, C-c C-a, C-c e.
Or at least under C-c C-v ? or C-c C-v h
-- Daniel
Org-babel is now making use of the newly available C-c C-v key binding.
All Org-babel keybindings are now located behind this prefix, see the
updated org reference card (/doc/orgcard.pdf in the org-mode repo) for
the specific keybindings, they are also shown below.
Best -- Eric
execute code block at point C-c C-c open results of code block at point C-c C-o preview body of code block at point C-c C-v C-p go to named code block C-c C-v C-g execute all code blocks in current buffer C-c C-v C-b execute all code blocks in current subtree C-c C-v C-s tangle code blocks in current file C-c C-v C-t tangle code blocks in supplied file C-c C-v C-T ingest all code blocks in supplied file into the Library of Babel C-c C-v C-l switch to the session of the current code block C-c C-v C-z view sha1 hash of the current code block C-c C-v C-h
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