For those interested, I have released MobileOrg Android 0.4.5 to the Market (search for "MobileOrg") and for direct download here:

New features for this reldease include:
- Now Supports editings and synchronizing TODO and Priority changes
- Obey checksums.dat this should make synchronizing a lot faster
- Rework the UI and show more information about each entry (including Priority and Due/Scheduled date)
- Close some bugs

The big new feature is being able to change TODO states and Priorities and have those synchronize back to emacs.

For 0.5 here is what is planned:
- Implement Dropbox and a generalized synchronization API to make it easy to develop modules that will recognize other storage mechanisms
- Support editing Title and Body
- Completely Revamp UI
- Better document Display
- Search support
- Implement Widget preferences and extend the Widget functionality

I know that a lot of people are most interested in Dropbox support so that is what I am focusing on right now.  There is already some limited Dropbox support by using the Android Dropbox app to pull the files onto your SDCard and then use MobileOrg to synchronize them but this is a very manual process and not ideal.

I also feel strongly about completely revamping the UI, it could look a lot better and be a lot easier to use.

As always, if you find any bugs feel free to report them directly to me or use the bug tracking system here:

If you need any help or have any questions you can ask here or send me an email directly.