Hey Sébastien,

Thanks for this insight.

Do you think that maybe changing the setting you had mentioned before, 'org-src-tab-acts-natively' to false (aka nil or '0' (zero) value) via a change in my configuration would make this error not happen within Org-Mode in that case?

On a related note, I use Emacs Org Mode every day for my support job, and am super thankful it exists. I have never been more productive in the last 2 years switching to Emacs than I ever have been in my entire life, so just wanted to say thanks to the best piece of software on earth.

Thanks again,


On Sun, May 23, 2021, at 9:18 PM, Sébastien Miquel wrote:
Hi Samuel,

> I'm guessing its some kind of Org Mode vs Yasnippet issue where 
> Org-mode is expanding it too fast, when it should wait for user input 
> hence the "$1" section.

I guess yasnippet tries to indent the inside of the block (see
=yas-indent-line=) before the lang part of the src block is specified.

In Emacs 27.2, the default value of =org-src-tab-acts-natively= was
changed to `t`. With this setting, trying to indent a src block with
no language results in this error.

Sébastien Miquel