Yes, dvi file can not display tikz picture correctly .

Why do you use divpng? Auctex can preview tikz , it does not use dvipng.


2009/8/14 Nick Dokos <>
Graham Smith <> wrote:

> Something I, as a comparative beginner  can answer :-)
> > how to draw picture in org-mode ? Does it support tikz/pgf ?
> Yes, I found it worked fine for me. I had a silly problem with page
> margins (searchng the forum for tikz/pgf will find my recent posts),
> that was my fault but other than that the flow charts and mindmaps I
> have done work well.

Let me add a qualifier: if you try to preview the image, then it does
not seem to work, but that seems to be a characteristic of tikz/pgf,
rather than org-mode.

Here's the experiment, should somebody care to try it:

o Start with a simple picture - the one waterloo posted earlier in
the month will do:

| #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}
| * Draw
| \begin{tikzpicture}
| \draw (0,0) -- (10,0);
| \end{tikzpicture}

o Export it to LaTeX with C-c C-e l.

o Process the latex file with pdflatex and view with xpdf - everything
is fine.

o Process the latex file with latex, producing a dvi file.  View the dvi
file with xdvi: the picture is missing (and I get a Ghostscript error.)

o Process the dvi file to PS with dvips and view the resulting PS file:
the picture is there.

Since (I'm guessing) preview processes the dvi file with dvipng and
since the dvi file seems to have some kind of problem, preview does not
