Hi, This patch adds some general interest(?) symbols to org entities that otherwise lived in my init file. 1. I don't know how to easily check whether a glyph is supported by Latin 1, so Latin 1 entries correspond to the ASCII equivalent. 2. HTML symbols have been tested in Firefox. In a few cases I couldn't find a pretty name (like "π") in which case I've supplied the unicode number (like "&960;"). Is that OK? (E.g. can Org produce non-uft8 HTML?) 3. In LaTeX the symbols are mostly defined in amsmath, except coloneqq and eqqcolon which requires something like mathtools or kpfonts or possibly unicode-math. Is that OK? I also fixed some inconsistencies. E.g. loz was loaded diamond even though loz is defined in amssymb and "~" and "\tilde" produced different results (the latter produces the irritating "\~{}" often observed among (social science?) university professors...). –Rasmus