Hello! I'm evaluating GNUmed (http://gnumed.org/) - an open source Electronic Medical Record (EMR) application and would like to be able to use Org-mode for scheduling instead of KOrganizer (I'm running 'plain' desktop with Xmonad WM + Xmobar status bar) and requirement to launch KDE for KOrganizer is simply an overkill and, besides that, I simply prefer to stay within Emacs & org-mode :-) GNUmed developer is asking me about my desired workflow (see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnumed-devel/2008-07/msg00080.html thread). Any idea how to 'connect' org-mode with GNUmed? It would be nice if someone more knowledgeable could shed some more light to explain how could GNUmed interact with Org-mode and use it for 'scheduling' appointments? Anyone uses some open-source EMR application? Sincerely, Gour Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------