Maxim Nikulin writes: > On 29/06/2021 10:47, James Harkins wrote: >> * Test >> 1本人不想亲自拿到学历学位证书、急于离校者,可书面委托他人代领学历学位证 >> 书,29日起即可离校;2本人想亲自领取学历学位证书者,按学校规定的程序及有关 >> 要求办理离校手续,领取相关证书后离校; > >> Exporting to ODT produces the following (body text, omitting titles, >> headers and such). >> >> 1本人不想亲自拿到学历学位证书、急于离校者,可书面委托他人代领学历学位证 书,29日起即可离校;2本人想亲自领取学历学位证书者,按学校规定的程序及有关 要求办理离校手续,领取相关证书后离校; > > Confirmed: newlines are copied to ODT document as is and they appear as > spaces in libreoffice. I did not tried HTML since I am unsure if > browsers should glue paragraphs with newlines into continuous string > without spaces. Maybe it is necessary to add some attributes for proper > representation (e.g. "lang"), however "#+LANGUAGE: cn" does not help > even though libreoffice considers paragraph as Chinese. Newlines appearing as spaces is in ODT schema. > As to splicing lines, I found `fill-delete-newlines' that uses > `fill-nospace-between-words-table' besides ?| category to determine > whether space should be suppressed while splicing lines. In addition > there are some variables to tune behavior. I am attaching the fix that leverages `fill-region' to handle all the complexities for us. It is the easiest way and I see no reason to look deeper.