I am attaching a patch in case anyone wants to try this proposal. A function for ox-latex is included. Syntax: &[optional parameters]{contents} With this patch, something like &foo{lorem ipsum dolor} is exported to LaTeX as \foo{lorem ipsum dolor}. Blocks can be nested, e.g.: &foo{lorem ipsum &bar{dolor}}. Regarding the "optional parameters", there is nothing defined, although I think they should be adapted to each backend. A possible use that occurs to me: &foo[prelatex: [lorem] postlatex: {ipsum} html: style="color:red;"]{blah blah} This should produce in LaTeX: \foo[lorem]{blah blah}{ipsum} and in HTML: blah blah Best regards, Juan Manuel -- Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño editorial y ortotipografía