TL;DR: How can I use the Org-mode macros as LaTeX macros inside an export LaTeX bloc ? Hello, In a document I write for my school, using Org-mode, I have defined a Org-mode macro. Named "orga" (for organization) and who have the name of my school as value. Example: #+MACRO: orga School Name It's very useful to re-use the name of my school in the entire document. And I can also re-use the title, author name, etc, who are defined at the top of my Org-mode document with "#+TITLE:", "#+AUTHOR:", etc. But my school ask for a special title page in the PDF export, with a specific design. Something very different from what I get by default with an Org-mode to LaTeX/PDF export. For now, I have disabled the auto title generation, with an "#+OPTIONS: title:nil". And I created an export LaTeX bloc at the top of my Org document. In this bloc, I can make a custom title page in LaTeX and export to a PDF who have the design requested by the school. Example: #+begin_export latex \begin{titlepage} Some custom LaTeX here… \end{titlepage} #+end_export But, I cannot use Org-mode macros inside this export LaTeX bloc. If I write "{{{title}}}" in this bloc, it is exported into LaTeX with no Org-mode macro substitution. I also tried to define a LaTeX macros, that use the Org-mode macro value, with "#+LATEX_HEADER:" like this: #+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\orga}{{{{orga}}}} But the result in the LaTeX export file is: "\newcommand{\orga}{{{{orga}}}}". And not "\newcommand{\orga}{School Name}". No Org-mode macro substitution. How can I use the Org-mode macros as LaTeX macros inside my export LaTeX bloc ? I have searched on the web, but didn't success to found a solution. Best regards ------- Gendre Sébastien