On Tuesday, 28 Mar 2017 at 13:23, Peter Neilson wrote: > You will also find people asking why anyone would ever think of using > vim. [...] > Why use vim if emacs is already built into your fingertips? I don't think the OP was intending on using vim (although nothing wrong with that in any case ;-)). The proposal was to use evil-mode in Emacs. There are many reasons for doing so, given that one wishes to continue using emacs. Two that apply for me are avoiding RSI issues (no keyboard chords) and I prefer modal editing (benefits in movement and word/sentence operations). I did start with vi (Unix v7 on PDP 11/45) but switched to emacs a few years later (in 1984/5, BSD Unix on a Vax 11/780), using emacs almost exclusively since then. Evil has been a godsend for me. YMMV of course! -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 25.1.1, Org release_9.0.5-391-g36c7cf