>>>>> "Gour" == Gour writes: Excuse me for replying to my own thread... Gour> Any idea how to 'connect' org-mode with GNUmed? GNUmed developer is helping to make the application 'talk' to org-mode. I'm interested if GNUmed can pass some patient information (e.g. Name) via emacsclient is it actually possible to use it? I suggested that GNUmed ask for appropriate *.org name to open, but, afaics, if we call: emacsclient filename.org, then there is no possibility to pass something else within the call? otoh, when we want to e.g display result of Agenda's view in GNUmed, its developer is interested if there is some 'agenda-API' to export data to GNUmed? More more info, pls. see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnumed-devel/2008-07/msg00100.html thread. Gour> Sincerely, Gour> Gour -- Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------