At Wed, 13 Oct 2010 10:54:01 +0200, Guy Wiener wrote: > Hello everyone, > I am using org-publish to publish some document on my web page. I would > really like to add to that some notification of the latest changes - E.g., > an RSS of the recently changed headlines. Is there some way to hack that? I > can use diff and get the textual changes from the latest version, but I > think that some way to mark the headlines whose content has changed will be > better. > > Any ideas? For publishing news about changed headlines you might use the still-prepared-for-inclusion-damn-i-am-late-with-the-documentation Org to Atom exporter[1]. It uses a property called :atom_updated: that is used for the atom:updated element which indicates ... an update. The somewhat tricky part is how to determine whether an entry has changed or not. Maybe something like this: - define the things that count as a changed entry (e.g. entry title, text, scheduled date, keyword) - write a function that grabs these things, does some normalization (e.g. remove whitespace and control characters, remove text properties), concat them together, and calculate a sha1 checksum for the resulting string - compare this sha1 with the previus sha1 which is stored in a define property - if the hashes differ, store the new one and update the atom_updated property - hook this function in the exporter, maybe via `org-export-first-hook' Best, -- David [1] -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....