This uses the expex glossing package , which I find to be the most flexible (despite also having some annoying quirks, such as being targeted towards plain TeX use and thus not being fully integrated with LaTeX conventions). I also have some code for embedding syntax trees, which basically just passes them through to LaTeX (with some niceties such as translating #+caption to \caption{}). I’ve been meaning to rewrite this for some time so that it compiles the trees to SVG to enable embedding into html. 2014ko otsailak 21an, Richard Lawrence-ek idatzi zuen: [...] > > \begin{exe} > \ex[ ]{This is an example sentence.} \label{s:example} > \ex[*]{This ungrammatical sentence!} \label{s:ungrammatical} > \end{exe} Does this work correctly when the \label is outside the brackets of the \ex? I guess it must, but I was surprised... -- Aaron Ecay