"Doyley, Marvin M." writes: > Does anybody have a good system for writing exam in Org-mode ? Not tested personally, but with a quick look at my mailing archive (notmuch search to:org-mode exams) , I could find: - http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2013/10/23/Writing-exams-in-org-mode/ - https://github.com/jkitchin/jmax/tree/master/techela - http://www-public.tem-tsp.eu/~berger_o/org-teaching/ - https://github.com/gjkerns/samplequiz Hope that helps. -- Konubinix GPG Key : 7439106A Fingerprint: 5993 BE7A DA65 E2D9 06CE 5C36 75D2 3CED 7439 106A