Hi The ERT library is now a part of EMACS. As a result the ERT library files currently loaded as a sub-module have been deleted on Github. This change modifies .gitmodule to avoid attempting to load ERT. Changes have been made to testing/README.org to suit. An insertion has been made to testing/README.org to point out that the library-of-babel.org file needs ingesting (including a source block to do so) to enable some tests to pass, and the "ERT reference" now points to the included ERT info help pages. Broken dependencies in testing/org-test.el have been removed. I have also temporarily commented out a small number of broken tests which between them cause ERT to go off into the weeds and delete a large section of babel.org. This means that all tests currently pass. I will investigate the breakages and hopefully provide fixes. Hope this helps Martyn