Hello, I am trying to use the Org-mode citation system, as described in the documentation: https://orgmode.org/manual/Citation-handling.html For inserting a citation, I call interactively the function org-cite-insert, as described in the documentation: https://orgmode.org/manual/Citations.html But when I select a citation in the mini-buffer and validate with "enter", the citation key is added in the mini-buffer and Org-mode continue to ask me what I want to cite. I cannot end it and actually have a citation link inside my documentation. I have seen if a special keyboard shortcut is needed after selecting a key to cite, but neither in the documentation or the function docstring I found it. Any idea ? Version of Org-mode: 9.7.2 Version of Emacs: 29.4 Best regards ------- Gendre Sébastien