Hello, I was reading the Org-mode manual, at section " Template expansion": https://orgmode.org/manual/Template-expansion.html And I was a little bit confused by the "%:keyword". The manual say: "Specific information for certain link types, see below." Where did this link come from ? When is it defined, and from/to where ? To be able to use the "%:keyword" in a capture: Do I need to store a link before calling org-capture ? Or do the call of org-capture will automatically store a link to where my point is before the call ? The manual page of template expansion did not explain it. Also, if a capture template is selected after an org-protocol call, the documentation say that only 3 keywords are available: %:link’, ‘%:description’ and ‘%:annotation’. Is it possible to passe more keyword through an org-protocol call ? Best regards ------- Gendre Sébastien