[CC'ed to Yann Hodique to acknowledge him] Hello Bastien, I am attaching a patch, please have a look. (especially change in org-test.el) It is directly copied from Magit (with one minor change). It uses Yann's virtualenv-emacsĀ¹ python package which creates multiple emacs environments. > Let me know if there is anything I should do. 1) Mirror org-mode to your github repo (https://github.com/bzg/org-mode) with post receive hook. does org-mode.org server uses gitolite to manage git repos? if so https://github.com/miracle2k/gitolite-simple-mirror may be useful. (I use it on my server for mirroring) 2) Allow travis to access your org-mode repository (This must be very easy) - Create an account on https://travis-ci.org., just click "sign in with github" - activate tests org-mode repo at https://travis-ci.org/profile