Hello, I was trying to have spurious indentation removed from Python source blocks before execution so that such blocks can be indented in Org mode buffers. I managed to do so successfully, but some tests keep failing and I believe it’s the test runner that’s the culprit. With the attached patch applied, I’ve observed successful execution when manually trying test cases similar to those in test-ob-python.el, indented or not. But the following tests fail with ‘(args-out-of-range "return x" 42 43)’ errors: FAILED test-ob-python/colnames-nil-header-argument FAILED test-ob-python/colnames-no-header-argument FAILED test-ob-python/colnames-yes-header-argument (9 tests fail without this patch, the other 6 is irrelevant and do fail when I test w/o the patch too, on commit b171ff02f.) I think the cause is the modifications to the code blocks body (deletion of spurious indentation from an indented src block), but I’m not sure how exactly. This is weird because the in-buffer text doesn’t change. In any case I’m also proposing the attached patch as a new feature. Could start a new thread for it if necessary. P.S.: please keep me in the CC in your replies, I’m not subscribed to the mailing list. -- İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp / @cadadr / pgp: 024C 30DD 597D 142B 49AC 40EB 465C D949 B101 2427