Hi all, The `quote' block is exported to LaTeX as a `quote' environment. However, standard LaTeX classes have two environments for quotes: `quote' and `quotation', with certain format differences: it is often said that `quotation' is intended for longer quotes with several paragraphs and applies a first line indent to each paragraph. In addition there are several very popular packages that offer more environments and features for quoting, for example `quoting' or `csquotes', which includes a set of quote environments and very powerful options. Even some languages as Spanish option for Babel have their own quoting environment. Given all this variety, I think it would be nice to offer the user at least a couple of LaTeX attributes to choose: `:environment' (by default the environment would remain `quote') and `:options'. I attach a possible patch for it (if the patch sounds good, I can add the documentation for the new features). An example with a quote in German: #+LaTeX_Header:\usepackage[german,english]{babel} #+LaTeX_Header:\usepackage{quoting} #+LaTeX_Header:\usepackage[babel=true,autostyle=true,german=quotes]{csquotes} #+LaTeX_Header:\SetBlockEnvironment{quoting} #+ATTR_LaTeX: :environment foreigndisplayquote :options {german} #+begin_quote Eine Erklärung, wie sie einer Schrift in einer Vorrede nach der Gewohnheit vorausgeschickt wird ---über den Zweck, den der Verfasser sich in ihr vorgesetzt, sowie über die Veranlassungen und das Verhältnis, worin er sie zu andern frühern oder gleichzeitigen Behandlungen desselben Gegenstandes zu stehen glaubt--- scheint bei einer philosophischen Schrift nicht nur überflüssig, sondern um der Natur der Sache willen sogar unpassend und zweckwidrig zu sein (Hegel). #+end_quote Best regards, Juan Manuel