Hello all, Attached patch extendes Org mode's capabilities to store and open links to Wanderlust messages. The gist of the extended capabilities: - Remove filter conditions for messages in a filter folder If customization variable `org-wl-link-remove-filter' is non-nil, filter conditions are stripped of the folder name. - Create web links for messages in a Shimbun folder If customization variable `org-wl-shimbun-prefer-web-links' is non-nil, calling `org-store-link' on a Shimbun message creates a web link to the messages source, indicated in the Xref: header field. - Create web links for messages in a nntp folder If customization variable `org-wl-nntp-prefer-web-links' is non-nil, calling `org-store-link' on a nntp message creates a web link either to gmane.org if the group can be read trough gmane or to googlegroups otherwise. In both cases the message-id is used as reference. - Open links in namazu search folder If `org-wl-open' is called with one prefix, WL opens a namazu search folder for message's message-id using `org-wl-namazu-default-index' as search index. If this variable is nil or `org-wl-open' is called with two prefixes Org asks for the search index to use. Regards, -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmjena@jabber.org Email..... dmaus@ictsoc.de