Hi all, I would like to use a capture template to capture calendar entries & file them to a date tree organized calendar.org file. Specifically, what I want to happen is this: the template prompts me for a date, then prompts me for headline. The date should be used for the datetree & used as a datestamp in the headline. I have tried the following template: (setq org-capture-templates '(("c" "Calendar" entry (file+datetree+prompt "~/s/notes/calendar.org") "* %^{What?}\n%t\n%?"))) What happens with this is that I get prompted for a date, which is used to file the entry in the datetree, but the date in the headline is always today’s date. If I use `k c` in the agenda (org-agenda-action) this works as expected, with no prompting for a date, the entry filed properly in the datetree, and the date in the headline set properly. Any thoughts on how to fix this? best, Erik