Pagebreaks created via #+PAGEBREAK are a mere expedience. These create extraneous "empty" paragraphs which take up "extra space". A typographer will chide you for resorting to such underhanded means to create pagebreaks. As an expedient, it has it's uses. See `org-odt-special-block' for a realistic example of how pagebreak can be to service. #+ATTR_ODT: :style "Text_20_body_20_bold" The right way to create pagebreaks is to create new styles - custom or automatic - that set the "before/after" pagebreak of an element (a paragraph, table etc). For example, consider pagebreaks created as below. Text in first page. #+ATTR_ODT: :style "OrgPageBreakDefault" #+PAGEBREAK: This text goes in next page. Now look at the page that is introduced with forced page break. You will realize that the first line of text in that page is a bit displaced [fn:1] from other pages created by LibreOffice. A keen eye will definitely catch this aberration. ------------ Textboxes an be used for centering tables etc horizontally and vertically within a page. In the example below, a landscape and centered table is created in the middle of what is essentially a portrait document. Leading text. #+ATTR_ODT: :style "OrgPageBreakLandscape" #+PAGEBREAK: #+ATTR_ODT: :width 5 :style "OrgPageImage" :anchor "page" #+BEGIN_TEXTBOX | a | b | | e | f | #+END_TEXTBOX #+ATTR_ODT: :style "OrgPageBreakDefault" #+PAGEBREAK: ----------------------------------------- You can customize paragraphs - standalone one and those occurring within lists - using `:style' and `:p-style' attributes. Try out the following example and see for yourself what you can achieve. #+ATTR_ODT: :style "OrgBulletedList" :p-style "Text_20_body_20_bold" 1. N1 1. N11 2. N12 2. N2 #+ATTR_ODT: :style "OrgNumberedList" :p-style "Preformatted_20_Text" * B21 * B22 - B221 First paragraph. #+ATTR_ODT: :style "OrgBibliographyList" :p-style "Text_20_body" 1. one 2. two 3. three #+ATTR_ODT: :style "Text_20_body_20_indent" Second paragraph. - B222 * B23 3. N3 * Footnotes [fn:1] Does anyone know how to clearout the extraneous "space" created by the pagebreak?