Hello Org developers, I'm facing an unexpected behaviour since some days : When I want to record some link from web sites using Org Capture extension (https://github.com/sprig/org-capture-extension) for Firefox all my text and links are encoded like urls. It's look like the commit #cc7c4a673 removed some url decoding when the org-protocol url is processed. See bellow the steps to reproduce : 1) define some templates for org-protocol, mine are bellow #+begin_src elisp (setq org-capture-templates '(("L" "Protocol Link" entry (file+olp ,inbox "Web") ,(concat "* %:description :@website:\n" " Captured On: %a, %U\n" " %?\n\n")) ("p" "Protocol Selection" entry (file+olp ,inbox "Web") ,(concat "* %:description :@website:\n" " Source: %a, %U\n" " #+begin_quote\n%i\n #+end_quote\n" " %?\n\n")))) #+end_src 2) use emacsclient to trigger org-protocol like this #+begin_src sh emacsclient -n "org-protocol://capture?template=p&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FCruiserX%2Fsha256_plsql&title=CruiserX%2Fsha256_plsql%3A%20SHA256%20PL%2FSQL%20Implementation%20for%20Oracle%2010g%2C11g.&body=SHA256%20PL%2FSQL%20Implementation%20for%20Oracle%2010g%2C11g.%20" #+end_src the resulting buffer is : #+begin_example ** CruiserX%2Fsha256_plsql%3A%20SHA256%20PL%2FSQL%20Implementation%20for%20Oracle%2010g%2C11g. :@website: Source: [[https%253A%252F%252Fgithub.com%252FCruiserX%252Fsha256_plsql][CruiserX%2Fsha256_plsql%3A%20SHA256%20PL%2FSQL%20Implementation%20for%20Oracle%2010g%2C11g.]], [2019-03-07 jeu. 23:36] #+begin_quote SHA256%20PL%2FSQL%20Implementation%20for%20Oracle%2010g%2C11g.%20 #+end_quote #+end_example I think that one possible fix could be to rollback one part of the git commit #cc7c4a673 like in the patch bellow. What do you think ?