I've been working on an Org tool to browse Emacs buffers. Emacs has the function list-buffers (C-x C-b), where you can view a list of buffers, delete buffers, etc. This is intended to be a replacement for list-buffers, implemented in Org-mode. The code is attached, and there's a git repo at http://github.com/dandavison/org-buffers After putting the code in your load-path and doing (require 'org-buffers), use the function `org-buffers-list' to create the listing buffer. This is a read-only Org-mode buffer populated with links to open buffers. Information is stored for each buffer using properties. By default, the buffers are grouped by major mode. Here's a screenshot. http://www.princeton.edu/~ddavison/org-buffers/by-major-mode.png The buffer has some special key-bindings: