#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz} First execute the second code block, to define the convenience macro and to set the required new variables in ob-latex.el. Then export to HTML and to pdf to see the tree exported as an SVG image and as embedded tikz respectively. * Tikz test Here's a tree, exported to both html and pdf. #+header: :file (by-backend (html "tree.svg") (t 'nil)) #+header: :results (by-backend (html "raw") (t "latex")) #+begin_src latex \usetikzlibrary{trees} \begin{tikzpicture} \node [circle, draw, fill=red!20] at (0,0) {1} child { node [circle, draw, fill=blue!30] {2} child { node [circle, draw, fill=green!30] {3} } child { node [circle, draw, fill=yellow!30] {4} }}; \end{tikzpicture} #+end_src * COMMENT setup #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent (setq org-babel-latex-htlatex "htlatex") (defmacro by-backend (&rest body) `(case (if (boundp 'backend) (org-export-backend-name backend) nil) ,@body)) #+end_src