Juri Artamonov wrote: >do you know if orgmode provides combination of headline and numbered >plain list with checkbox on the same line. > >For example, > >I would like to have the following: > >** 1. [ ] Text for first item >** 2. [ ] Text for second item > No, this is not possible in Org and I'm not sure what you want to achieve: If you need a headline, than you can use TODO keywords instead of a checkbox (they will carry the same information). Numbering headlines is not a good idea, implementation-wise: Those numbers would have to be recalculated every time the structure of the document changes (e.g. insert new headline, change headline level etc.). HTH -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmjena@jabber.org Email..... dmaus@ictsoc.de