Henri-Paul Indiogine wrote: >I run the latest git version of org-mode in the Ubuntu 10.04 snapshot >version of Emacs. >I have footnotes in my org document. When I export my org file to LaTeX >they are placed, correctly, inline as "\footnote{blah blah}". However, >they are still present at the bottom of the tex file as "[fn:xx] blah >blah" just as in the original org file. >So far I have just deleted this block of text before compiling the tex >file to pdf. However, I am probably missing something here and there >should not be that section of [fn:xx] at the bottom of my text file. Indeed. Can you provide a Org mode sample file that shows this behavior? I tried with ,---- | * This is a headline | | [fn:1] | | | * Footnotes | | [fn:1] This is a FOOTNOTE! `---- And this gets exported (C-c C-e L) to ,---- | ... | | \begin{document} | | \maketitle | | \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} | \tableofcontents | \vspace*{1cm} | | \section{This is a headline} | \label{sec-1} | | | \footnote{This is a FOOTNOTE! } | | \end{document} `---- Using Org-mode version 6.36trans on GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) of 2010-05-16 on raven, modified by Debian -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmjena@jabber.org Email..... dmaus@ictsoc.de