current state: ============== (setq org-latex-pdf-process '("latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -bibtex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape -output-directory=%o %f") org-yank-image-file-name-function 'org-yank-image-autogen-filename org-persist-before-write-hook '(org-element--cache-persist-before-write) org-html-format-headline-function 'org-html-format-headline-default-function org-reveal-start-hook '(org-decrypt-entry) org-html-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ox-html.elc" . 22505)] org-log-into-drawer t org-directory "/home/panos/org" org-latex-format-inlinetask-function 'org-latex-format-inlinetask-default-function org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(("python" . "py") ("emacs-lisp" . "el") ("elisp" . "el")) org-roam-db-node-include-function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] org-roam-log-setup-hook '(org-roam--register-completion-functions-h) org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-activate org-babel-speed-command-activate) org-persist-after-read-hook '(org-element--cache-persist-after-read) org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p org-roam-preview-function 'org-roam-preview-default-function org-latex-format-headline-function 'org-latex-format-headline-default-function org-latex-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ox-latex.elc" . 36343)] org-mode-hook '(#[0 "\305\306 >\203\307\n\310\311#\210\307 \312\313#\210\307 \314\315#\210\306 >\203,\307\n\316\317#\210\307\n\320\321#\210\322 >\203>\307 \323\324#\210\307 \325\324#\210\326 >\203P\307\n\327\317#\210\307\n\330\321#\210\331 >\203_\332\311\f\333BC\334#\210\335 >\203k\332\311\336\334#\210\337 >\203w\332\311\340\334#\210\341\342\343\344#\207" [org-mouse-context-menu-function org-mouse-features org-mouse-map org-mode-map org-outline-regexp org-mouse-context-menu context-menu org-defkey [mouse-3] nil [mouse-3] org-mouse-show-context-menu [down-mouse-1] org-mouse-down-mouse [C-drag-mouse-1] org-mouse-move-tree [C-down-mouse-1] org-mouse-move-tree-start yank-link [S-mouse-2] org-mouse-yank-link [drag-mouse-3] move-tree [drag-mouse-3] [down-mouse-3] activate-stars font-lock-add-keywords (0 `(face org-link mouse-face highlight keymap ,org-mouse-map) 'prepend) t activate-bullets (("^[ ]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\) +" (1 `(face org-link keymap ,org-mouse-map mouse-face highlight) 'prepend) ) ) activate-checkboxes (("^[ ]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[.)]\\)[ ]+\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?[0-9]+\\][ ]*\\)?\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)" (1 `(face nil keymap ,org-mouse-map mouse-face highlight) prepend) ) ) advice-add org-open-at-point :around org--mouse-open-at-point] 4] #[0 "\301\211\207" [imenu-create-index-function org-imenu-get-tree] 2] #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-fold-show-all append local] 5] #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-babel-show-result-all append local] 5] org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes) org-texinfo-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ox-texinfo.elc" . 3640)] org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui t org-odt-format-headline-function 'org-odt-format-headline-default-function org-cite-global-bibliography '("/home/panos/org/lib.bib") org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe) org-latex-src-block-backend 'engraved org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent) org-notmuch-open-function 'org-notmuch-follow-link org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe) org-ditaa-jar-path "/usr/share/java/ditaa/ditaa-0.11.jar" org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter) org-ellipsis " [+]" org-enforce-todo-dependencies t org-edit-src-content-indentation 0 org-html-format-inlinetask-function 'org-html-format-inlinetask-default-function org-roam-node-annotation-function 'org-roam-node-read--annotation org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil org-ascii-format-drawer-function #[771 "\207" [] 4 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ox-ascii.elc" . 11831)] org-export-before-processing-hook '(seed-random-generator) org-roam-directory "/home/panos/org/roam" org-roam-db-autosync-mode t org-roam-indirect-buffer-hook '(org-roam--register-completion-functions-h) org-fold-reveal-start-hook '(org-decrypt-entry) org-bibtex-headline-format-function 'org-bibtex-headline-format-default org-priority-highest 1 org-capture-prepare-finalize-hook '(org-roam-capture--install-finalize-h) org-link-parameters '(("roam" :follow org-roam-link-follow-link) ("eww" :follow org-eww-open :store org-eww-store-link) ("rmail" :follow org-rmail-open :store org-rmail-store-link) ("mhe" :follow org-mhe-open :store org-mhe-store-link) ("irc" :follow org-irc-visit :store org-irc-store-link :export org-irc-export) ("gnus" :follow org-gnus-open :store org-gnus-store-link) ("docview" :follow org-docview-open :export org-docview-export :store org-docview-store-link) ("bibtex" :follow org-bibtex-open :store org-bibtex-store-link) ("bbdb" :follow org-bbdb-open :export org-bbdb-export :complete org-bbdb-complete-link :store org-bbdb-store-link) ("w3m" :store org-w3m-store-link) ("doi" :follow org-link-doi-open :export org-link-doi-export) ("notmuch-tree" :store org-notmuch-tree-store-link :follow org-notmuch-tree-open) ("notmuch-search" :store org-notmuch-search-store-link :follow org-notmuch-search-open) ("notmuch" :store org-notmuch-store-link :follow org-notmuch-open) ("attachment" :follow org-attach-follow :complete org-attach-complete-link) ("id" :follow org-roam-id-open :store org-id-store-link-maybe) ("file+sys") ("file+emacs") ("man" :face org-help-link :complete org-man-complete :follow org-man-open :export org-man-export :store org-man-store-link) ("info" :face org-help-link :follow org-info-open :export org-info-export :store org-info-store-link :insert-description org-info-description-as-command) ("shell" :follow org-link--open-shell) ("news" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["news" browse-url ":"] 6 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ol.elc" . 51218)] ) ("mailto" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["mailto" browse-url ":"] 6 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ol.elc" . 51218)] ) ("https" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["https" browse-url ":"] 6 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ol.elc" . 51218)] :face org-web-link) ("http" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["http" browse-url ":"] 6 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ol.elc" . 51218)] :face org-web-link) ("ftp" :follow #[514 "\301\300\302Q\"\207" ["ftp" browse-url ":"] 6 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ol.elc" . 51218)] ) ("help" :follow org-link--open-help :store org-link--store-help :face org-help-link) ("file" :complete org-link-complete-file :face org-file-link) ("elisp" :follow org-link--open-elisp)) org-roam-capture-templates '(("d" "dispatch") ("db" "bundled" plain "%?" :target (file+head "${path}/%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org" "$+title: ${title}") :unnarrowed t) ("f" "default" plain "%?" :target (file+head "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org" "#+title: ${title}") :unnarrowed t) ) org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" :foreground "blue" :weight bold) ("NEXT" :foreground "red" :weight bold) ("WAIT" :foreground "orange" :weight bold) ("DONE" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold) ("INACTIVE" :foreground "magenta" :weight bold) ("CANCELED" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold)) org-log-buffer-setup-hook '(org-roam-log--setup) org-cycle-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe org-babel-header-arg-expand) org-agenda-block-separator 61 org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t!)" "NEXT(n!)" "WAIT(w@)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "INACTIVE(i@)" "CANCELED(q@/@)") ) org-cite-activate-processor 'citar org-stuck-projects '("/!+TODO|+NEXT|+WAIT" ("NEXT" "WAIT") nil nil) org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text) org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe) org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe org-babel-header-arg-expand) org-sort-function 'string-collate-lessp org--warnings '("org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(13031 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(13031 13032 1)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(13031 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(13031 13032 1)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 882)\n remove-yank-excluded-properties(12150 13032)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report)." "org-element--cache: Org parser error in Resetting.\n The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)\n Backtrace:\n\" backtrace-to-string(nil)\n org-element-at-point()\n org-at-item-p()\n org-indent-add-properties(12150 13032)\n org-indent-refresh-maybe(12150 13032 0)\n insert-for-yank-1(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n insert-for-yank(#(\\\" Masters in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or closely related field with 4+ years of research experience or equivalent combination of degree and experience, e.g., recently completed PhD studentship in the nuclear materials area.\\\\n Research experience in materials science, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, irradiation testing, and/or post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel cladding materials.\\\\n Experience with sample preparation, metallography, microstructural characterization, and analysis of materials behavior.\\\\n Experience with corrosion behavior in metals, and fundamental metallurgy.\\\\n Strong communication and cooperation skills.\\\\n Enjoy working in challenging development projects, both independently and in teams.\\\\n Professional working proficiency in English, both speaking and writing.\\\\n\\\\n\\\" 0 880 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" fontified t) 880 881 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" rear-nonsticky t fontified t) 881 882 (org-category \\\"20230619221022-employers\\\" font-lock-fontified t fontified t)))\n yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(yank nil)\n call-interactively(yank)\n org-yank-generic(yank nil)\n org-yank(nil)\n funcall-interactively(org-yank nil)\n command-execute(org-yank)\n\"\n Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report).") org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer) org-agenda-current-time-string "now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" org-roam-capture-new-node-hook '(org-roam-capture--insert-captured-ref-h) org-cite-follow-processor 'citar org-babel-after-execute-hook '(org-redisplay-inline-images) org-treat-S-cursor-todo-selection-as-state-change nil org-cite-insert-processor 'citar org-export-before-parsing-hook '(org-attach-expand-links) org-image-actual-width '(800) org-link-shell-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p org-fold-core-isearch-open-function 'org-fold-core--isearch-reveal org-cycle-include-plain-lists nil org-agenda-time-grid '((daily today require-timed) (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000) "......" "----------------") org-texinfo-format-headline-function 'org-texinfo-format-headline-default-function org-roam-capture-preface-hook '(org-roam-capture--try-capture-to-ref-h) outline-isearch-open-invisible-function 'outline-isearch-open-invisible org-texinfo-format-inlinetask-function 'org-texinfo-format-inlinetask-default-function org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer) org-agenda-mode-hook '(#[0 "\302\303 \304\305#\210\303 \306\307#\210\303 \310\311#\210\303 \312\313#\210\303 \314\315#\207" [org-mouse-context-menu-function org-agenda-mode-map org-mouse-agenda-context-menu org-defkey [mouse-3] org-mouse-show-context-menu [down-mouse-3] org-mouse-move-tree-start [C-mouse-4] org-agenda-earlier [C-mouse-5] org-agenda-later [drag-mouse-3] #[257 "\300!\211\301\267\202\302\303!\207\304\303!\207\305\207" [org-mouse-get-gesture #s(hash-table test eq purecopy t data (:left 9 :right 13) ) org-agenda-earlier 1 org-agenda-later nil] 4 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/org-mouse.elc" . 24414) "e"] ] 4] ) org-roam-find-file-hook '(org-roam-buffer--setup-redisplay-h org-roam--register-completion-functions-h org-roam--replace-roam-links-on-save-h org-roam-db-autosync--setup-update-on-save-h) org-protocol-protocol-alist '(("org-roam-node" :protocol "roam-node" :function org-roam-protocol-open-node) ("org-roam-ref" :protocol "roam-ref" :function org-roam-protocol-open-ref) ) org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t) (python . t) (js . t) (makefile . t) (ditaa . t) (shell . t)) org-roam-ref-annotation-function 'org-roam-ref-read--annotation org-agenda-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region nil org-priority-lowest 5 org-preview-latex-default-process 'imagemagick org-latex-packages-alist '(("" "tikz" t) ("" "ptm" t ("pdflatex"))) org-agenda-files "/home/panos/org/roam" org-link-elisp-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p org-startup-indented t org-odt-format-inlinetask-function 'org-odt-format-inlinetask-default-function org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-show-empty-lines org-cycle-optimize-window-after-visibility-change org-cycle-display-inline-images) org-persist-before-read-hook '(org-element--cache-persist-before-read) org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function 'org-ascii-format-inlinetask-default org-odt-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 ("/usr/share/emacs/31.0.50/lisp/org/ox-odt.elc" . 16822)] org-priority-default 3 )