#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport * Org Setup :noexport: #+NAME: loadledger #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results none (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((ledger . t) )) #+END_SRC * Financial Summaries ** Inline Opening :noexport: #+NAME: opening-inline #+BEGIN_SRC ledger :noweb yes :results output silent :exports none 2015-01-01 * Opening Assets:bank:savings:inline 1.00 € Equity:Opening Balances #+END_SRC ** Included Opening :noexport: #+INCLUDE: "./included.org" ** An overall balance summary #+name: balance #+BEGIN_SRC ledger :noweb yes :exports results :cmdline bal :results output <> <> #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: balance : 1.00 € Assets:bank:savings:inline : -1.00 € Equity:Opening Balances : -------------------- : 0 ** An overall balance summary with not working tangle In this section the result in the export are correct, but the tangled files contains only the =opening-inline= ref. BUG? #+name: tangled #+BEGIN_SRC ledger :noweb yes :tangle ledger-buggy1.dat :results output :exports results <> <> #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: tangled : 1.00 € Assets:bank:savings:inline : -1.00 € Equity:Opening Balances : -------------------- : 0 ** All the raw data In this section the result: - inline in the document =C-c C-c= are incorrect BUG? - in the tangled files contain only the =opening-inline= ref. BUG? - but in the exported file are correct #+name: tangled-buggy #+BEGIN_SRC ledger :noweb yes :tangle ledger-buggy2.dat :results output :exports results :cmdline print <> <> #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: tangled-buggy : 2015/01/01 * Opening : Assets:bank:savings:inline 1.00 € : Equity:Opening Balances