On Feb 27, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Phil Jackson wrote:

Scott Otterson <scotto@u.washington.edu> writes:


+ expand matching pattern outwards until matching uniqueness is
assured across the whole file

This isn't foolproof as an identical line could be added later leaving
us with much the same problem.

+ store  line number

This actually is already possible, but not the default behaviour for

Also, from the manual:

,----[ org.html#Handling-links ]
| If there is an active region, the selected words will form the basis of
| the search string.

Org-mode has an extension mechanism that can be used to built custom searches
for file links.  Maybe someone would enjoy writing an extension,
and if it works well we could consider making it more standard.

Take a look at http://orgmode.org/manual/Custom-searches.html#Custom-searches
and at the bibtex-related code in org.el.


- Carsten